
Renton, WA 98056 / (541)-786-9549 /

2D/3D Game Art - Unity Game Development


10+ Years of experience creating 2D and 3D game assets

Click the image to open my Artstation portfolio in a new tab

A 3D rendering of an old Atari in a 1970's style living room'


6+ Years of experience in game development with Unity and C#

After getting my game art degree in 2016 I started learning game development by following youtube tutorials. I quickly learned that Unity was popular (and free) so I installed it and started taking Udemy courses. I love to make games and art for games.

The links below will open my video samples in a new tab.


2+ Years of experience creating web apps with JS and C#

I also gained an interest in learning web development and the .NET framework. Here are some of the apps I created. Please feel free to try them out.


These are the languages and programs that I use the most.


I enjoy physical activities like hiking, tennis, skateboarding, and running.

I have an extensive collection of hats and Mega Man merchandise.

I also love retro gaming...and outer space.